Gabriella Ormós

Last year was the 10th anniversary of my name change. At the time I had completed 42 years and had no idea that a new person would be born at the same time. A month later I was banned from yeast. That’s when I met the sourdough starter and our relationship has been going from day to day
it’s only deepened.

In the last 11 years I have developed a new vocation, started a never-ending apprenticeship in a new profession, retired from my communications agency job, found myself and the quality of my life has changed.
I create, I create endlessly. All this in an environment that is dear to me, close to my home, my family
close to my family. I have arrived.

Hobby turned into career change in 5 years. I didn’t have to think about it, because such decisions are not made by us, they are born in us. It’s up to us whether we notice the moment they are born and, not incidentally, whether we notice when we are on our Way,
we will receive all the support we need from our Self in every situation.

In 2016, I started teaching sourdough bread making, first only to home bakers, and later to chefs and bakers. Although I never wanted a bakery, I am now happy that fate’s inscrutable path led me to it. The bakery of my dreams in the summer of 2023 in the shade of ten chestnut trees in the churchyard of Budajenő. All the products in Jenői Bakery are long-aged, using natural sourdough.

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